Category: Business

  • Why do customers really buy?

    If you want to market smarter or sell smarter, you have to be able to answer this million-dollar question, “Why do customers buy?” So, if you ask your team or your clients that why people buy from them. The answer they will be telling you is something about the product or service. They gonna say:…

  • The underwear theory of economic growth

    Economics has proposed some of the very wild theories and research interests. From Pot theory to Male order, there is no shortage of wild research ideas in economics. But one theory is surely the weirdest of all and that is The Underwear theory of economic growth. It was proposed by Alan Greenspan, it is no…

  • 30+ Growth hacking case studies

    Growth-hacker marketing is not a set of best practices, but a mindset. Successful growth hacks are the product of engineering, marketing, leadership, design, and product management. Here are 30+ growth hacking case studies, that have deployed growth hacking strategies to achieve massive growth in their companies. Every strategy is tied to the company’s context, but…

  • How to make your product a habit

    Face it, we’re hooked. The technologies we use have turned into compulsions, if not full-fledged addictions. It’s the impulse to check a Whatsapp message notification. It’s the pull to visit YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter for just a few minutes, only to find yourself still tapping and scrolling an hour later. It’s the urge you likely…

  • What to focus on as product builders during inception – A large number of users or a very narrow user base

    As product builders, we face a critical choice during inception – appeal to a large number of users or pare down the offering to a very narrow user base. A smart product builder always chooses the latter option because they are aware of the Paradox of Specificity. What is the Paradox of Specificity? According to…